Monday, February 20, 2012

My (semi) new workout routine

A few weekends ago I was sitting on the couch, bored and surfing through the channels on tv. when I ended up coming across an Insanity infomercial. The Insanity program looks - well, insane - so I wasn't about to buy it, but it did give me the idea to purchase P90X. I generally don't buy into infomercial workout videos but I'd heard great reviews from friends about it in the past and this was something that B and I could do together. He won't run with me because he says I'm too intimidating (which I can see since he is not a runner and has no intention of becoming one) and with his full time student and full time job schedule he's always too tired to come to the gym with me.

It's been one full week into the P90X program and I'm happy to say that it's making me do something I truly hate doing - weights. In high school I used to skip out on any kind of weight training because I believed it would make me bulky. I also just hate doing it. I'd rather run extra than do any kind of weight training. So, nonetheless, I've been fairly sore. all. week. long. The women on this program are intense. They are like straight up muscle and can do 20 pull ups. I can't do one. And pushups? OHHHHHGEEEEZ I should video tape B and I trying to master one of these videos, I'm sure it would be pretty comical to watch. I mean, I get a kick out of watching B try some of the fun yoga positions - one of the few things I'm at least sorta-okay at.

Yesterday was our stretch day and I ran for 50 minutes outside in the beautiful weather (Oklahoma has ADD weather, ya'll, now its stormy and cold) and completed the hour long stretching DVD with B. Good stuff.

Also, I've been using the Iphone app called My Fitness Pal and would love to have some friends join me. Unfortunately, I discovered that when I went home for lunch today I ate almost half my days worth of calories. The good part is  that at least this information has become known to me so that I can watch myself this evening, right? Although... I rediscovered ice cream in the freezer last night and have been meaning to eat it before anyone else gets to it - this is the sort of mentality you get when you grow up as one out of four kids.

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